Articles About mediatemple
Media Temple offers Shared Hosting built on Linux with reasonable pricing, around-the-clock support and a 99.9% uptime guarantee.
Join us to learn how business pitches have changed in response to COVID-19. What will it take to win your next piece of business?
In talking with our agency customers, one thing consistently comes up: The desire to get more granular technical tasks off an agency’s plate, with the confidence that the client will still be 100% happy with the technical performance.
If there’s one thing that captures what we look to accomplish each year, it’s our newly defined vision: “To Empower Creativity.” 2019 was a year of doing exactly that.
This summer, Media Temple launched a dramatic change in our web presence. The design certainly looks different than 2018, and there’s a lot that’s working differently under the hood as well.
I started at Media Temple in 2009, and in those ten years, one thing that has never changed is Media Temple’s dedication to the creative community.
"Managed” hosting is an overloaded term, with no single company using the same meaning.
Your sites are one of the keys to the success your business. So any type of outage or disruption can result in serious losses — both with your sales and with customer confidence. Media Temple’s advanced support by Advanced Support provides diagnostics and self-healing using industry-leading Panopta remediation, so your servers are kept up-and-running.
Every Media Temple customer has access to around-the-clock Customer Support for assistance with speedy answers to your hosting questions.
Media Temple is lucky to have customers like you who are always making and creating.
It’s an old axiom: Technology companies tend to focus on their offering rather than the people using it.
Media Temple has been helping customers move a wide range of workloads to the cloud since 2015.
Thanks for coming along with us as we looked back through 20 years of Media Temple history.
Cloud computing provides enormous opportunities for nearly every organization. It allows you to move faster, lower IT costs, improve uptime, and scale to meet your customer demand.
Today is officially the 20th birthday of Media Temple. We’ve came a long way from our humble beginnings, and we’re here to share some of the main milestones in Media Temple history in the years of 2009 and 2013.
We’re back, now at the dawn of the new millenium and in the dog days of summer, to count down the 20 years of Media Temple’s history.