Apr 15, 2013 Legacy

Relief for Boston

boston-marathon-tradgedy-1When tragedy strikes a strong community like Boston, you can be certain resilience and self determination will prevail. That being said, the more helping hands involved in repairing and supporting the victims can only make our communities stronger.

(mt) Media Temple and Virb are offering no-cost webhosting or access to Virb to build web projects to help Boston.

Email: hostingforboston @ mediatemple.net to receive information on setting up (mt) webhosting for your project.

Email: weheartboston @ virb.com to receive information on launching a site on Virb for Boston.

Donate blood to the Red Cross. The Red Cross was able to deliver extra blood to support efforts in Boston, maintaining adequate blood supplies for the injured.

Find or contribute information regarding people affected in Boston.

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