Lilly Crick
Since 2009, Lilly Crick has guided Media Temple’s involvement in creative and agency communities, including a decade of SXSW closing parties. Lilly is a wrangler of children, dogs, a husband, tortoises, engineers, and just about anything else that needs organizing.Posts By Lilly
Nov 5, 2020
Design + Creative
Experiential Marketing & The Pandemic Pivot
Events, conferences, parties, brand houses – among the first things to be canceled by COVID-19 and likely to be among the last to come back.
Sep 8, 2020
Design + Creative
Webinar - Empowering Women in a Time of COVID-19
How can women overcome inequality while juggling responsibilities during a pandemic?
Aug 27, 2020
Design + Creative
Upcoming Webinar: Empowering Women in a Time of COVID-19
In a time of cuts to business and increased childcare hours, women are often left holding the bag.