Elfyourself.com is Officially a Record Breaker.
Since (mt) has hosted it for two years, we knew ’07 was the biggest elfing season ever. Today, Advertising Age chimed in with a great elfyourself.com article and video showing how it’s become the all-time, record breaking, viral sensation to date.
One in 10 Americans visited elfyourself.com to make 122 million elves this holiday season (that doesn’t include what we saw for scroogeyourself.com). For (mt), it was exciting to see the stats surge and our (dpv) Nitro’s stream holiday fun for all (we’ll have a case study online soon).
We’d like to say thanks to the teams at Office Max, Toy and the wizards at EVB for choosing (mt) as their trusted hosting provider. For two years in a row, it’s been a pleasure working with them and we’re proud to be a part of internet history.