Aug 26, 2013 Legacy

SXSW: Pick Our Panels

It’s never too early to start planning for SXSW – especially since the SXSW Panel Picker is officially open for voting. You can help steer this influential event by contributing with your votes. Of course, (mt) just happens to have a few panels lined up too, and we’d love your support. We get our hands dirty at SXSWi every year, living and breathing this nuanced technology culture. We hope that this next SXSW, you’ll want to come see what we’ve learned in the last 15 years about business, design and culture.

Note: You must sign up for a SXSW profile in order to vote.

Demian Sellfors

Demian Sellfors
Founder & CEO

Why Customer Delight Should Be Your Business Model
Customer delight is not just hype: it should be the cornerstone of any business model. In today’s highly competitive, brand-hopping digital world, customer satisfaction should no longer be one of your main business objectives – unless you are aiming for failure.
Russ Reeder

Russ Reeder

Serving The Creative Class: Challenges and Rewards
How can you be a business partner to the ever-demanding and fickle creative class? In other words, how do you build a business serving the creative class without losing your mind – or your money?
Todd Greene

Todd Greene
VP of Marketing

Think Content First, Navigation Second
As product design, user interfaces and frameworks are converging to humanize technology, content will be the currency of the new digital economy. This presentation examines why and how digital entrepreneurs can build their ideas, business and product offerings around the user, and what will bring the most value to them.
Vanessa Lorenzo

Vanessa Lorenzo
Director of Employee Experience

A Jew, An Asian, & A Lesbian Walk Into A Meeting
A Jew, An Asian, and a Lesbian Walk Into a Meeting is not the start of an off-color joke – but it could be… This session will uncover the importance of diversity in innovation and project execution.
Jon Setzen

Jon Setzen
Creative Director

Content Design, Where Art & Science Collide
American Modernist Paul Rand once said, “Design is the method of putting form and content together. Design is so simple, that’s why it is so complicated.” In this dual conversation, we’ll examine the new technologies automating the art and science of content design helping to drive successful customer acquisition and retention.

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