Alex Alabbas

Alex Alabbas is a Senior Email and Content Marketing Manager at Media Temple. Alex has a diverse scope of content expertise in industries ranging from media and entertainment, market research and technology.

Posts By Alex

Jun 12, 2017 Design + Creative
20 Years of CSS

Initially released on December 17, 1996, CSS is celebrating its 20th year of being an essential web style language.

Alex Alabbas
Jun 8, 2017 Cloud Hosting
A Cloud-Based Internet of Things Is Here

The cloud has reached such a point of maturity that the services that come with it are just as important as the cloud’s main benefits themselves.

Alex Alabbas
Jun 6, 2017 Web Development + Tech
The Complete Beginners Guide to Cron, Part 1

Cron is one of the most popular and basic utilities found on Unix systems. Combined with other tools, cron makes it exceptionally easy to automate a broad range of tasks on your server.

Alex Alabbas
May 30, 2017 Cloud Hosting
OpenStack’s New Home? The Private Cloud

OpenStack has been on the tip of the tongue of so many players in the infrastructure world for the better part of this decade.

Alex Alabbas
May 23, 2017 Cloud Hosting
Atlassian Leverages AWS to Power Their European Cloud

In what appears to be a common trend in 2017, cloud-based companies have found a burgeoning market of European enterprises who need access to zippy software and technology.

Alex Alabbas
May 17, 2017 Web Development + Tech
Hosting Essentials for E-commerce WordPress Sites

New e-commerce businesses are popping up every day, with brick-and-mortar operations rapidly joining the digital marketplace.

Alex Alabbas
May 10, 2017 Cloud Hosting
How an AWS Managed Service Provider Can Solve These 3 Business Pain Points

Amazon Web Services has held the top spot in the cloud industry for years. RightScale's 2017 State of the Cloud report found that 57 percent of businesses have adopted AWS for their cloud needs, beating out both Azure and Google.

Alex Alabbas
May 8, 2017 Cloud Hosting
Avoiding the Main Pitfalls of Cloud Migration

Moving digital assets and workflows onto the cloud does present multiple challenges, especially when done by the in-house IT team.

Alex Alabbas
May 2, 2017 Design + Creative
Eight Design Trends Taking Over 2017

2017 has started off by slowly drifting away from the stoic design trends of minimalism, monochromatic layouts, and the omnipresent flat design.

Alex Alabbas
Apr 25, 2017 Cloud Hosting
What's Safer: The Cloud or Your Hard Drive?

What’s scarier: Environmental disasters, cyberattacks, or hardware failure? That was just one of the many questions posed to over 110 financial industry professionals when polled by Evolve IP.

Alex Alabbas
Apr 20, 2017 Cloud Hosting
The (Infinite?) Flexibility of the Cloud Is A Real Competitive Advantage

Web hosting has come a long way since professionals were creating GeoCities sites in the early 90s.

Alex Alabbas
Apr 19, 2017 Cloud Hosting
What To Look For From an AWS Managed Service Partner

To be fully unlocked, the true potential of cloud hosting needs to be paired with the expertise of a Managed Service Provider (MSP).

Alex Alabbas
Apr 17, 2017 Web Development + Tech
From DevOps to No Ops

It’s probably a bit trite to discuss, for maybe the 20th or 30th straight year, the rocket-like speed of the digital transformation.

Alex Alabbas
Apr 14, 2017 Media Temple Updates
And our winner is...

In the month of February we ran a contest to win a chance to meet the web development guru himself, Chris Coyier.

Alex Alabbas
Apr 13, 2017 Web Development + Tech
Why Have All Your Infrastructure Eggs in One Basket?

For years, the healthcare industry has been seemingly chained to the notepads and manila folders that hold their patient’s personal medical history.

Alex Alabbas
Apr 5, 2017 Cloud Hosting
Why IT Teams Should Be Thankful for Managed Cloud Hosting

Digital agencies, financial firms, small and medium enterprises, all are migrating more applications and workloads to the cloud every day.

Alex Alabbas