The 4th installment of our features series takes place at our “Interviews and BBQs” at SXSWi 2010.
(mt) is proud to announce the public availability of (ve) Server – our latest high performance utility VPS hosting service.
For episode 2, (mt)’s Jason McVearry caught up with Akshay Dodeja, CEO and co-founder of Mugasha.com during our “Interviews and BBQs” event at SXSWi 2010.
Resident (mt) technology guru Chris Lea recently sat down with Paul Boag and Marcus Lillington of Boagworld.com for their well regarded podcast.
(mt) Features is our homage to the talented and interesting people making (mt) the company it is.
We are VERY excited to announce the start of our public BETA program for (ve) Server, our newest service offering. (ve) or “Virtual Environment” is an all-new VPS offering designed from the ground up with speed and efficiency in mind.
In the six years we’ve been attending SXSW Interactive in Austin TX, we’ve seen it become the who’s who event of the entire tech industry and this year stood out more so than any other!
Want to go to SXSWi but didn’t get it together in time? We’re giving away 2 full conference passes + 2 VIP (mt) Closing Party passes to two lucky (mt) fans….
Ride the Lightning! (or the bull)..Regardless, it’s going to be an awesome ride.
Long time partner, Kiva.org, recently granted us some insight into their operations.
Our very own Chris Lea, architect and driving force behind the Virb infrastructure and startup rock-star consultant passes on his priceless knowledge on how to bulletproof your MySQL backups.
After 14 days, over 600 AMAZING entries and countless hours of judging some of the most impressive uses of jQuery ever gathered in one place, we finally have our Grand Prize, MacBook Pro winner… David Kaneda and his jQTouch plugin.
Jquery and (mt) Media Temple are welcoming the release of JQuery 1.4 with a much celebrated launch, one day at a time. What’s that mean? Starting on January 14th (the B-day of JQuery) the JQuery team will release exclusive bits of code and content from 1.4 every day, for 14 days. (mt) Media Temple will be matching that excitement with a daily JQuery contest, awarding hosting prizes and one grand prize winner!
(mt) has enhanced the security of customer accounts with a new feature called “Support PINs”.