Matt Cromwell
Matt is Brand Ambassador and Support Guru at WordImpress.com. He's the author of many free WordPress plugins, a popular blogger at his website, an admin of the Advanced WordPress Facebook group, co-organizer of the San Diego WordPress Meetup, and a WordCamp speaker and frequent attender.Posts By Matt
This article is intended to help you understand a bit about what WordPress updates are, how they relate to Plugin and Theme updates, and, most importantly, how to update your WordPress sites without causing havoc.
I wouldn’t be surprised if most WordPress users imagine their Media Library as being no different than a teenagers closet: A giant pile of disorganization, a haystack housing thousands of needles.
I’m the proud father of three adorable, brilliant, and yet also terrible and uncontrollable children.
If you’re a sci-fi fan or a fan of 80’s movies in general, then you know that 2015 is a special year: We’re supposed to have hover boards this year!