Matt Cromwell
Matt is Brand Ambassador and Support Guru at WordImpress.com. He's the author of many free WordPress plugins, a popular blogger at his website, an admin of the Advanced WordPress Facebook group, co-organizer of the San Diego WordPress Meetup, and a WordCamp speaker and frequent attender.Posts By Matt
Mar 26, 2018
Web Development + Tech
The WordPress Philosophy: The Four Freedoms
This is the second post in a series on the WordPress Philosophy. Last month I described why WordPress has a Philosophy and why WordPress users should care about that and understand it.
Jan 31, 2018
Web Development + Tech
The WordPress Philosophy: What Is It and Why Should You Care?
Have you ever installed a plugin into your WordPress website and thought, “Ummm… that’s different”?
Dec 7, 2016
Web Development + Tech
Why Your Custom CSS Doesn’t Work in WordPress and How to Fix It
Occasionally, you may find that, when you add custom CSS to your website, it just doesn’t seem to get applied correctly.