Chris Coyier
Chris is a web designer and developer. He writes about all things web at CSS-Tricks, talks about all things web at conferences around the world and on his podcast ShopTalk, and co-founded the web coding playground CodePen.Posts By Chris
“Caching” is when, rather than fetching a new copy of an asset like an image, HTML, CSS, or JavaScript file from the internet, the browser uses a copy it has already saved.
I needed to get the first item from an array lately in JavaScript. Hmmmm … lemme think here. I remember that <span class="c5">.pop()</span> is for snagging the last item from the array, like this: <span class="c3">const arr = ["This", "Little", "Piggy"]; </span><span class="c3">const first = arr.pop(); </span><span class="c3">console.log(first); </span><span class="c3">// "Piggy"</span> So what’s the opposite of .pop()? (Please pause for light web searching…) Ah ha!
I’m sure plenty of folks know this, but like literally anything else in the world, plenty of folks don’t.
There is so much to know about making websites fast. It’s rather incredible.
So you’ve built your clients a website! That’s awesome.
I bet we’ve all had to write up a support ticket for a product or service we use.
I’m a web developer and blogger. These are the browser extensions that I actually use right now.
I know April Fool’s Day is at the beginning of this month, but hey, now you’ve got a year to prepare.
One of the coolest things about SVG is that, despite all the powerful stuff it can do, it’s still readable code.
It’s been an interesting trend the last few years to start seeing companies be very vocal about how much the value design.
CSS is the language that styles websites. It controls the colors, the layout, the fonts… pretty much everything concerned with the look of the site.
I was sitting around in the lobby of a hotel at An Event Apart show with Jeremey Keith one time.
The holidays are coming! I don’t know about y’all, but my family always tells me I’m so hard to buy for.
Looking back on the last decade of screen UI design tooling, it sort of feels like this is how it went: Adobe rules over this kingdom with Photoshop and Illustrator, along comes Sketch, Sketch takes massive bite out of the market and designers rejoice.
Modern browser DevTools, besides being gosh-darned amazing for doing our jobs as front end web developers, can be used to strong arm our way through problems we encounter on the web through our day-to-day normal usage of it.
Live video is a big thing these days. You can go live on YouTube.