Chris Coyier
Chris is a web designer and developer. He writes about all things web at CSS-Tricks, talks about all things web at conferences around the world and on his podcast ShopTalk, and co-founded the web coding playground CodePen.Posts By Chris
Jul 29, 2019
Web Development + Tech
PHPinfo.php Pages
Have you ever wondered what version of PHP your website is running? Or had some really specific question about how PHP is configured and what is enabled/disabled on your site?
Feb 22, 2019
Web Development + Tech
Using IntersectionObserver to Check if Page Scrolled Past Certain Point
When a web page scrolls, that’s a DOM event. I can find out how far a window has scrolled at any time with window.scrollY.
Feb 11, 2019
Web Development + Tech
Tools & Techniques for Cross Browser Testing
One of the unique job responsibilities of a front-end developer is to make the sites we build work “acceptably” across the browsers the project has decided to support.